中文 Virtual Tour, Jim's Beach House 1, the 2 Bedroom and Jim's Beach House 2, the 3 Bedroom. Comfortable, Quality, Affordable, Accommodation IN, not just near, Byron Bay.

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Virtual Tour, Beach Art at Byron Bay
Sandy Dinosaur on Byron Bay main beach
A Virtual Castle in the clouds on Byron's Main Beach
Virtual Tour, Virtual Castle in the sky on Main Beach Byron Bay

Explore Byron Bay’s Rich History

中文 Virtual Tour

体验现代滩别墅独有魅力通过我们的虚拟看房技术,来探索现代海滩别墅独特魅力吧。与其他展示着老旧图片的别墅不同, 我们展现的是近期所拍摄的图文相符的图片。我们非常重视您对虚拟看房的反馈,并欢迎所有的的建议和改进。在您入住吉姆的海滩别墅期间,不妨抽出时间了解下这个海边小镇有趣的历史,试着解开为不为外人所知的当地谜团。为什么这里曾臭气熏天,人们避之不及?这里又和二战有何关系,又与放射性沙子的开采和日本广岛有何关系?拜伦湾与我们的家族别墅的主人科琳Collen的家族已在拜伦湾居住生活了一个世纪多,而吉姆Jim的家族也有50多年的历史了。在入住期间,您若有兴趣了解关于拜伦湾相关的历史景点信息,我们乐意解答您的疑惑。我们将竭尽全力帮助您在此度过回味终生的假期,也期许在不久的将来能再次为您提供服务。此外,如果您满足蓝光 卡Blue Light Card Offer的优惠条件,可享住宿优惠。

首次探访者的独享体验  如果这是您的第一次拜伦湾之旅,请务必跟我们咨询去灯塔light house的最佳路线。

Discover the Authenticity of Our Present-Day Beach HousesExperience our virtual tour to witness the true essence of our beach houses today. Unlike others that showcase outdated images from over 20 years ago, we provide an accurate representation of our accommodations. We value your feedback on our virtual tour and appreciate any suggestions for improvement. While you enjoy your stay at Jim’s Beach Houses in Byron Bay, take a moment to delve into the intriguing history of this remarkable destination. Uncover Fascinating Stories:Unveiling the Malodorous Past: Why Byron Bay was Once Shunned Unearthing the Enigma: The Connection between World War 2, Radioactive Sand Mining, and Hiroshima Family Heritage: Colleen’s Generations in Byron Bay for Over 100 Years and Jim’s Legacy for Over 50 Years Feel free to reach out to us for any historical insights during your visit. We are dedicated to ensuring your stay is exceptional and fostering future enriching experiences. Moreover, if you qualify for a Blue Light Card, your stay will become even more affordable.

中文 Virtual Tour

您将踏上一段迷人的旅程,并留下回味无穷的美好回忆。“冒险”开始啰穿过雨林,途径热闹的小镇,走在价值数亿澳元的海滩别墅旁,绕过海滩到达The Pass – 这是澳大利亚最顶级的冲浪胜地之一。爬到小“岛”的顶部,俯瞰下面的海景, 您会看到健壮的冲浪者们和正在他们旁边戏耍的海豚和鲸鱼(季节性), 时不时也会看到影视体育名人。请尽情的沉浸在此情此景中吧。沿着悬崖边的小径继续向上走,您就可以站在更高处欣赏广阔壮丽的景色。再往下坡走是Wategoe海滩,这个避风港以其名人的住所出名,如超模 Elle Macpherson 和 雷神索尔都在此长居。穿过Wategoe海滩,地形再次上升,至此您已到达澳洲大陆的最东点!在这里,千万不要忘了拍几张美美的照片(请谨慎操作,避免攀爬围栏)来结束此次愉快的拜伦湾灯塔之旅。愿你充分享受“站“在水上的“此时此刻“。至于返程,只需原路返回或走主路,两种方法都可。

For those venturing to Byron Bay for the first time

make sure to inquire about the best route to the lighthouse. Embark on an awe-inspiring journey that will leave an indelible mark. The Adventure Awaits: Traverse the Rainforest, Town Center, and the Illustrious $100,000,000 Beach Hotel Embrace the Magnificence of The Pass, One of Australia’s Premier Surf Breaks Ascend the “Island” Summit, Witness Dolphins, Whales (during the season), and Intriguing Celebrities Immerse in Tropical Rainforest Enroute to the Cliffside Path, Boasting Breathtaking Views 20m Above the Water Descend onto Wategoe’s Beach, a Haven Known for Residences like Elle McPherson and Famous Movie Stars Cross Wategoe’s Beach and Continue Ascending Towards Australia’s Easternmost Point Capture Memorable Selfies (Please Exercise Caution and Avoid Climbing Fences) Conclude the Journey at the Lighthouse, Immortalize the Experience with More Photos, and Begin Your Return Choose your path back, retracing your steps or taking the road, both leading you back to the heart of town.